Dear I would like to know what is the milter integration status and support.
Since i integrate Postfix into big companies and some ISPs there is an important point. Adding a filter with libmilter support increase significantly postfix performances with the associated plugin. I will not discuss about postfix performances... Surely done.. This one example : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70 000 mailboxes 20 msg/seconds 10Mb/message 2 000 000/messages per day. Bi-processor 512 Mb ram + Debian etch + Postfix 2.5.1 version. Using Clamav in postqueue (content_filter) : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash and spool over than 50 000 messages after 2 hours. Using Clamav in prequeue (libmilter) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Success no crash, just clamav consumption. After this conclusion, and in other benefit, i see that with milter support there are many others filters that we can integrate in a better way (milter-greylist,MimeDefang, j-chkfilter...) It see that the milter integration is not really close, some features missing eg "In particular, all recipient rejections information aren't sent to the milter, as does sendmail"; I would like to know what is the priority of implementing a full milter support in Postfix....? Best regards