Ok, let's start with beginning...
What is the difference between NAME and REVERSE_NAME from postfix's view?
What is the difference between "SMTP client hostname" and "PTR record
The NAME attribute specifies an SMTP client hostname (not an SMTP client
address), [UNAVAILABLE] when client hostname lookup failed due to a
permanent error, or [TEMPUNAVAIL] when the lookup error condition was
REVERSE_NAME never got documented. That should be fixed. It's a PTR record
Wietse Venema пишет:
Bokhan Artem:
So how postfix interprets NAME and REVERSE_NAME?
I want to understand, how not to break, for example, "reject_unknown_client_hostname" and
"reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname" behavior, when passing names via XCLIENT but not
via postfix resolver.
Wietse Venema ?????:
Artem Bokhan:
Do NAME and REVERSE_NAME from XCLIENT agree with this description from
smtpd_peer.c ?
NAME agrees with the XCLIENT documentation - it is meant to be
something that other MTAs can implement too so it must not depend
on Postfix implementation details.
REVERSE_NAME never got documented. That should be fixed. It's
a PTR record value.
/* .IP name
/* The verified client hostname. This name is represented by
/* the string "unknown" when 1) the address->name lookup failed,
/* 2) the name->address mapping fails, or 3) the name->address
/* does not produce the client IP address.
/* .IP reverse_name
/* The unverified client hostname as found with address->name
/* lookup; it is not verified for consistency with the client
/* IP address result from name->address lookup.
These things should be defined by XCLIENT_README not by reading
source code.