Jason Hirsh a écrit :
> On Jan 26, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mouss wrote:
>> Jason Hirsh a écrit :
>>> On Jan 26, 2009, at 5:04 PM, mouss wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>> You probably want to ask on the amavisd list. but then give as much
>>>> details as you can (whether you restarted amavisd-new, ... etc).
>>> I was told I should behere but all teh discussion Ihad on SPAM oretty
>>> much
>>> dealt wuth postfix and amavisd as an ingrate solution
>> hmm. did you ask on the amavis list:
>>     https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/amavis-user
>> you'll find more amavsid-new users there, thus maximizing the chances to
>> get an answer. (but as I said, you may need to provide more details).
>>>> PS. It is a bad idea to bounce mail that was queued by postfix. This
>>>> causes backscatter (and you may be blacklisted...)
>>> I am confused by this comment.. do you mean I shouldn't let amavisd do
>>> any bouncing??
>>> it handles all of my spam, content and vitus checking
>> if you use amavisd-new after the queue (content_filter or FILTER), then
>> you should not configure it to bounce mail. Your choices are: (tag and)
>> pass, quarantine or discard (the latter is bad, but still better than
>> bouncing).
>> The reason is that spammers forge sender addresses, so your bounce will
>> go to an innocent who never sent you anything. This is backscatter.
>>> postfix handles domain validation and the like..
>> Rejecting spam during the smtp transaction in postfix
>> (smtpd_*_restrictions) is good. but once postfix queues the mail, you
>> should not bounce.
> so is
> header_checks = regexp:/usr/local/etc/postfix/header_checks
> bad or good

They are good for what they are designed for.

I use them to reject dangerous attachments (.pif, ...), but I don't
reject images or other media files.

header_checks are not a substitute for an anti-virus or a spam filter.

> as it turns out postfix is doing the rejection not amavisd

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