Sahil Tandon wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:27 AM, Roland Plüss <> wrote:
>> Since I got Zen and the other spam stuff working things went fine until
>> one of our road workers tried to send his email from his laptop which is
>> hooked up on a cheap ISP. This ISP happens to be fully in Zen and he can
>> not send mails using our mail server. He has to log in using IMAP/TLS to
>> send the mails. Is there a way ( inside the recipient restrictions ) to
>> allow mails only from a domain if send by a logged in user? Currently I
>> use a recipient access map to whitelist the domain but this works only
>> until spammers start to send mails with faked domains ( aka claiming to
>> be from this domain but obviously are not since they never authed ).
>> SASL is not an option since it refuses to work ( either crashes or fails
>> to start ).
> Fix the problem instead of plugging in these makeshift solutions.  Why
> does SASL not work? 
If I would know this I would not say it's not-an-option, right? ;)
> What do the logs say?
Unfortunately nothing except SASL not working ( if telnetting to 25 ). I
tried tons of tutorials but the SASL stays broken. Most probably a
GenToo problem I suspect.
> Show the output of 'postconf -n' and relevant excerpts from your log. 
> Also see the DEBUG_README, to which you were referred upon joining
> this list; it contains useful troubleshooting tips and advice on how
> to get help from this list.
I never received nor got pointed to a DEBUG_README at all. Where's this one?

Yours sincerely
Plüss Roland

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