On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:27 AM, Roland Plüss <rol...@rptd.ch> wrote:
Since I got Zen and the other spam stuff working things went fine
one of our road workers tried to send his email from his laptop
which is
hooked up on a cheap ISP. This ISP happens to be fully in Zen and he
not send mails using our mail server. He has to log in using IMAP/
TLS to
send the mails. Is there a way ( inside the recipient restrictions )
allow mails only from a domain if send by a logged in user?
Currently I
use a recipient access map to whitelist the domain but this works only
until spammers start to send mails with faked domains ( aka claiming
be from this domain but obviously are not since they never authed ).
SASL is not an option since it refuses to work ( either crashes or
to start ).
Fix the problem instead of plugging in these makeshift solutions. Why
does SASL not work? What do the logs say? Show the output of
'postconf -n' and relevant excerpts from your log. Also see the
DEBUG_README, to which you were referred upon joining this list; it
contains useful troubleshooting tips and advice on how to get help
from this list.
Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>