Hi all, this is my first message on this list ....
I'm using postix without any problem from 3 year... but now i fount a
problem and i home someone can help me to solve :D
I have a big mailinglist, something like 230000 email, one year ago i
made some massive mailing to all through a PHP scrip using mail
command, normaly a sendmail command.... now, to solve some problem and
increase the bounce feature i decide to send through smtp feature ....
i'm using phpmailer class... everything seems to works but every 20/30
minutes the accepting become really slow... and i need to restart my
script and reload postfix... i dont have limitation for client
sending, i'm accepting only the same host.. web server and mail server
are the same ...
if someone3 can help me , please ask for command i have to execute to
give you a good information.
thanks for all