webmas...@aus-city.com wrote:
Quoting Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org>:
You'll need to investigate where your bounces are coming from by
examining your log - find out why postfix generated a bounce.
Start by searching your logfile for the QUEUEID displayed by the
"mailq" command.

The "usual" source of unwanted bounces is accepting mail for
undeliverable recipients rather than rejecting such mail during SMTP.
The postfix method of recipient validation depends on the address class
of the recipient domain.

Also note that any address matched by virtual_alias_maps or
*canonical_maps is considered valid, so "@domain @domain" wildcard
mapping effectively disables recipient validation.

Please see
and especially

Noel Jones

Hi Noel,

The mailq dump as requested:

-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
91B8113C0040     3168 Mon Jan 12 13:57:12  MAILER-DAEMON
(host mx1.atomz.com[] said: 450 4.1.1 <ben...@atomz.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in relay recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command))

AF41E13C0042     2849 Mon Jan 12 14:58:09  MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to losxpertos.com[]:25: Connection timed out)

EC83913C0033     2710 Mon Jan 12 10:12:22  MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to aimnona.com[]:25: Connection timed out)

8F54113C0028     2941 Mon Jan 12 09:20:39  MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to mailno.opens.com[]:25: Network is unreachable)

B831F13C003E     3039 Mon Jan 12 10:43:42  MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to mail.cfbnet.com[]:25: Connection refused)

-- 18 Kbytes in 5 Requests.

OK, so you have some bounces in your queue. We already knew that, so this posting is rather useless.

You'll need to investigate where your bounces are coming from by examining your log - find out why postfix generated a bounce. Start by searching your logfile for the QUEUEID displayed by the "mailq" command. You can also examine the contents of the bounce with

# postcat -q QUEUEID | more

The QUEUEID is displayed by the mailq command in the "QUEUE ID" column.

You'll need to do those parts of the investigation yourself. Come back with details if you need help interpreting what you find.

Noel Jones

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