On 04/01/2009 20:11, "mouss" <mo...@ml.netoyen.net> wrote:

> Nigel Gilbert a écrit :
>> On 04/01/2009 19:33, "Sahil Tandon" <sa...@tandon.net> wrote:
>>> Nigel Gilbert wrote:
>>>> I have Postfix running on dusty.soc.surrey.ac.uk.  I would like mail from
>>>> the internet addressed to unknown local users on this server (e.g. to
>>>> x...@soc.surrey.ac.uk) to be re-addressed and forwarded
>>> Before continuing, please clarify: are the unknown local users known
>>> relay recipients?  Or are you trying to devise some sort of 'catch-all'
>>> that forwards *all* mail to unknown users (local or otherwise) to this
>>> other mail server?  The latter is a bad idea.
>>> [...]
>> The latter, but although it may in general be a bad idea, (1) the other
>> server (surrey.ac.uk) is well set up for catching and dealing with spam etc.
>> (e.g. all mail sent to it is processed through messagelabs span filtering),
>> and (2) there is no easily accessible list of users that are known on
>> surrey.ac.uk, but unknown to soc.surrey.ac.uk.
> the question is whether some users may be rejected by the second server.
> if so, they must also be rejected by the first one.
> if this is ok, then simply declare the domain as a relay domain and use
> virtual_alias_maps to deliver some users locally.

May I ask for one more level of detail about how to do this?  I am new to

" simply declare the domain as a relay domain"

I add 
relay_domains = surrey.ac.uk
to main.cf.  Correct?

"use virtual_alias_maps to deliver some users locally"

I add 
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
to main.cf

In the file hash:/etc/postfix/virtual I put:

known.local.us...@soc.surrey.ac.uk     known.local.user

And then run postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
Is that right?

When the mail for an unknown user is relayed to surrey.ac.uk, will it appear
to be addressed to unknown.u...@surrey.ac.uk (although originally sent to
unknown.u...@soc.surrey.ac.uk)?  It needs to be, because otherwise
surrey.ac.uk will just send it back to soc.surrey.ac.uk!

Thank you for your help and advice,


Professor Nigel Gilbert, ScD, FREng, AcSS, Professor of Sociology,
University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK. +44 (0)1483 689173

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