Victor Duchovni:
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 02:05:12AM -0300, Reinaldo de Carvalho wrote:
> > I suggest update transport documentation changing '*' to last lookup order.
> > 
> > Beacause users can to deduct erroneously that '*' is a wildcard, and
> > isn't. '*' is choosed caracter to represent a default
> > transport/nexthop,
> It is a wildcard. It is the only wildcard documented for the transport(5)
> table. Users can jump to all kinds of conclusions, ... or they can read
> the documentation. While a different character would perhaps reduce the
> conclusion-jumping, it would be harder to remember.
> I am not convinced that any amount of warnings in the reference
> documentation will reduce conclusion jumping, since most users seem
> to learn from examples and HOWTO documents, and rarely read reference
> documentation.

It makes sense to document '*' as the fourth lookup after
user+extens...@domain, u...@domain, and (domain or .domain).
Even if that lookup happens during process initialization. 

But the warning is not needed, because people who need it most
don't read documentation.


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