On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:19 AM, Jorey Bump <l...@joreybump.com> wrote:
> Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote, at 12/18/2008 06:28 AM:
>> I think you should send more info on your config, for example:
>> MX record for your domain.
>> myhostname entry from main.cf
>> these two should match.
> There is no requirement that these match. They are completely unrelated.

I said: should.  There are some spam filters which uses the hostname
provided by the server and make several verifications like:

+ Is the hostname listed as a MX for the domain?
+ Does the hostname *forward* resolve to the IP I'm being contacted from?
+ Does the IP *reverse* resolve to the hostname?

> The OP needs to describe the problem more accurately. In general, no
> special configuration is required to send mail to any domain.

Correct, as long as there are no spam filters around.



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