On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 09:46:21AM +0530, ram wrote:

> I use postfix 2.3  to accept mails and deliver to a cyrus server via
> lmtp (unix )
> IF I have a large mailq to local delivery via lmtp , how can I
> prioritize the delivery of a particular mail

You can't prioritize a particular message unless you put all the others
on hold and release them when the important message gets through.

    - If it is really local(8) mail, with LMTP handled via mailbox_transport,
    each user has a separate backlog queue, so you don't need this if the
    backlog is primarily for a small number of users and the "active" queue
    is large enough to keep "incoming" empty.

    - If "particular mail" means a particular mailbox, will all mail
    flowing to that mailbox prioritized, you can use a separate transport
    (name) for that mail (that is otherwise identical to the transport
    for other mailboxes). Each transport has its own queue, see above
    about queue size.


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