Spahn, Daniel wrote:
My setup is using the defaults, but the connection is so flaky that even pings 
don't return consistently. My current setup no longer delivers mail, but I get 
lots of timeout errors, and it looks like most messages end up in the defer 
queue. Any ideas? This is a highly political situation and the people 
responsible for fixing the problem will not work with me, yet I am responsible 
for the proper functioning of this email system. Anything that even has a 
slight chance of working will be greatly appreciated. To give a better picture 
of the setup, I have a professional-grade multifunction device that scans, 
faxes, prints, copies, etc.. It has a fixed IP on the LAN. Its scans go out to 
the postfix server, which is connected to a Cisco switch, Netgear firewall, and 
Cisco router/CSU/DSU. I have authentication turned on and it only accepts mail 
from the multifunction device. It's not a high-traffic system- it just 
occasionally has to send a few scans over email. I have administrat
ive access to the whole network, except the router/CSU/DSU (but any changes can 
be requested if needed). Any advice that can mitigate the poor line quality is 

You can tune postfix timeouts and retrys as described here:

A very bad connection may drop before a message can get delivered. If this happens often enough, it may make communication impossible. SMTP requires that the connection stays up long enough for the message to be transmitted.

(thinking out loud (often gets me in trouble)):
Sounds as if you are transmitting to a fixed destination. I wonder if a UDP-based VPN (such as OpenVPN) might give you a connection that drops less often. It wouldn't help with the speed, but the drops are the big problem. Hmm, since most VPNs support compression, maybe it could help with the speed. You would need to have full control or significant cooperation at the far end for a VPN to be possible.

You also may be able to tune some of your operating system TCP parameters; increasing timeout and reducing max packet size would seem to be a starting place. Check your OS docs for how; google for tuning TCP for lossy connections.

I don't have much experience with a bad connection, so anyone else feel free to jump in here...

Noel Jones

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