Noel Jones:
> Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> >     Yes, adjust the maxproc column in <> to
> >     adjust the total number of daemons a particular transport can spawn.
> >      If the maxproc column is "-", then default_process_limit is used.
> > 
> > 
> > Ok but this couldn't cause that if for example you have 20 messages to 
> > be redirected for a transport (by the queue manager) and only 4 
> > transport proccesses, it couldn't cause timeouts because you process 4 
> > by 4?
> No, reducing the maxproc column in will not create 
> errors regardless of the number of messages in the queue that 
> will use that transport.

I agree, assuming that he is talking about a small number of sending

If, on the other hand, he is talking about a small number of
receiving processes, then it is very well possible that a sending
process times out while it is waiting for a receiving process to
become available.

I'm not sure that he is using Postfix terminology correctly.


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