On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 01:58:25PM -0500, Victor Duchovni wrote:

> The space just before the final "/" should not be there. Postfix added
> Received headers (for network-originated traffic) match (PCRE):
>     /^Received:
>       [ ] from [ ] \S+                # Helo name
>       [ ] \(\S+ [ ] \[\S+\]\)         # Host name, IP address
>       (\n\t\([^\n]*?\))*              # TLS, SASL, ... annotations
>       \n\t by [ ] mta\.example\.com   # This mta's hostname
>       [ ] \(Postfix\)                 # $mail_name setting from main.cf
>       [ ] with [ ] \w+                # Protocol
>       [ ] id [ ] \w+                  # Queue-id
>       (?:;\n\t|\n\tfor [ ]<.*?>;[ ])? # Single Recipient?
>       \w{3},                          # Weekday name
>       [ ] [ \d]{2}                    # Day of month
>       [ ] \w{3}                       # Month name
>       [ ] \d{4}                       # Year
>       [ ] (?:\d\d:){2}\d\d            # Time of day
>       [ ] [-+]\d{4}                   # TZ offset
>       [ ] \(.*?\)                     # Timezone name
>       $/sx                            
> Note the various "\n\t" occurences, the header is presented to
> header_checks with "\n\t" folding whitespace. On the network,
> this is sent as "\r\n\t".

Note, it turns out that Postfix PCRE tables don't fully support /x,
because Postfix un-folds the pattern to a single line before passing it
to the PCRE parser, so with the above, everything after the first comment
is ignored. You can still use /x to add whitespace, and Postfix removes
stand-alone comments that occupy a whole line, so a better version is:

        # Helo name
        [ ] from [ ] \S+
        # Host name, IP address
        [ ] \(\S+ [ ] \[\S+\]\)
        # TLS, SASL, ... annotations
        (?: \n\t\([^\n]*?\))*
        # This mta's hostname
        \n\t by [ ] mta\.example\.com
        # $mail_name setting from main.cf
        [ ] \(Postfix\)
        # Protocol
        [ ] with [ ] \w+
        # Queue-id
        [ ] id [ ] \w+
        # Single Recipient?
        (?:;\n\t|\n\tfor [ ]<.*?>;[ ])
        # Weekday name
        # Day of month
        [ ] [ \d]{2}
        # Month name
        [ ] \w{3}
        # Year
        [ ] \d{4}
        # Time of day
        [ ] (?:\d\d:){2}\d\d
        # TZ offset
        [ ] [-+]\d{4}
        # Timezone name
        [ ] \(.*?\)
        $/sx                    ACTION

The folding of the lookup key is perhaps undesirable, not sure whether
work to "fix" this is warranted for 2.6.


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