On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 02:24:38PM +0000, Charles Account wrote:

> I am running Postfix with zimbra, our milter checks for specific
> content, etc.If it exists, it is allowed to be delivered to the local
> lmtp queues, however,as for company policy, it must be run through a
> black box service beforebeing sent outside the company. The milter will
> put an RFC822 X-headerin the message to indicate additional checks are
> required.

This calls for a 2.5 stage Postfix:

        input -------> output ----> destination
                       scrutiny --> destination

The X-Header is added between the input and output stages (via a milter in
the input stage, or a content_filter between the input and output stages).
The output stage Looks for the X-Header and if present, shunts mail into
the scrutiny stage, otherwise delivers to the real destination.

I would use three separate Postfix instances for this, but it can be
done with multiple services in a single instance.

In most of my systems that are similar, the "scrutiny" stage is actually
a quarantine, and mail does not leave directly from there, but the idea
is the same...


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