On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Watashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Each 30 days I have to reboot both servers because the memory is all used.
> There's no cache memory, buffers or something else. I already tried echo 3 >
> .../drop_caches

 Linux use memory to cache all read files. And always memory tends to
 be 100% "full". Isn't really full, memory used to cache files is
 available to program's when requested.

 The commad "free -m", in the line "+/- cache/buffers" show the used
 memory by programs (i think that you want to know this value)

> How could I confirm that memory is used by a process A or B?
> Could It be something with Courier? Some trouble with Courier + PAM + MS AD
> integration?
> Thanks for any help ( I still have 12 days before next needed boot :( )

 Why you need reboot? The machine to be slow?

> Luiz

 Reinaldo de Carvalho

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