mouss wrote:
Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
If your problem is that From: equals To:, then Postfix can help
only with an external content filter.
If your problem is that MAIL FROM equals RCPT TO, then Postfix can
help only with an external policy daemon or external content filter.
In the case of the above headers I'm going to say both! 8-( But I
haven't seen the messages the others are having problems with. Tomorrow
I'll be on site and will check if it is the same for them.
But either way I'm guessing I'll have some research and experimenting to
do. Damn I was hoping for a one-liner in or
not possible in postfix. but it's also a bad idea to block such mail.
I've seen many Bcc mail using this "method" (instead of To:
spamassassin is more appropriate for such mail.
Thanks mouss.
Beside my personal domains server(s) Postfix is being used on several
other systems (I support/admin) as a spool (relay) to the actual mail
servers (running proprietary software). We try to keep the spools
lightly loaded so I have to get permission/consensus to run spamassassin
on them. Mostly we were hoping to tag them as probable spam, based on
the MAIL FROM/RCPT TO -- From:/To:, and let the users deal with it in
their spam folders.
There is SPAM software on the actual mail servers but not all users or
domains are using it. I'll suggest that if they don't use the SPAM
filtering the SPAM is not /our/ problem.
Maybe we would turn up greylisting. That might help them.
Again thanks,