On 7 Nov 2008, at 02:54, mouss wrote:

Neil wrote:
By pure luck, I had an epiphany and figured it out.

good. Can you provide details so that other people who get into the same problem find the answer in the archives?

Well, it's very setup-specific...

The short of it is that I used to have my email chained inbound and outbound through another server (for various reasons, including keeping a full backup of all mail for me incase my own little rinky- dinky server went down).

Then I changed this domain's inbound configuration so it went straight to my server (basically just MX), since I'm really only using this account for list mail, and I don't need a backup of that. When I did that, I didn't change the outbound configuration, and the middle-man server on the outbound route, which used to see the two addresses as separate accounts, started interpreting mail from this address as being an alias of another address, and added the Sender header (which was what appeared in my mail).

The solution was simply to remove (comment out, in my case) the relaying for this address from my Postfix configuration, and let it go out directly.

The moral of the story is: Don't make configuration changes right before you go out for dinner with friends who're in a rush while on 3 hours of sleep. =\


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