On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 18:24:33 +0100, Robert Schetterer
Martin Strand schrieb:
Hi all.
I'm looking to implement an auto-response mechanism which:
- only sends responses to senders who pass SPF checks
- responds from certain virtual aliases as well as certain virtual users
- doesn't respond to mailing lists
- finds the response message/subject through mysql
- supports per-recipient charset (iso-8859-15 or utf-8)
- doesn't respond several times to the same sender within a certain time
Searching the list archive and Google turned up yaa as the best
alternative, but it seems to have disappeared :(
Are there any other good options?
I suppose I could write something myself, but this feels like a fairly
common thing to do so I was hoping someone else had already done it.
hi, in postfix admin you find a perl vaccation script
for virtual users ( uses transport )
this dont report several times as well as to mailling lists ( if their
headers are known but i am not sure here )
it may not be exactly what you looking for but should target you in the
right way
SPF check you have to implement by your own
there is a policy server in perl which you might can use
after all i wouldnt recommend including that explicit in a autoresponder
i modified the script not to answer to spam allready marked mails
which basicly does a good job ( spf weight an check are allready done
in the smtp income stage and spamassassin )
Thanks, Robert. Maybe I'll put something together myself using ideas from
postfixadmin and yaa.
yaa 0.3.1 can still be found through archive.org.
Always being paranoid, I feel passing SPF is essential before sending
anything back - what if a spammer starts sending from a spamtrap address,
making my server send responses there? Yikes! :)