On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:16:44AM -0400, Ofer Inbar wrote:

> We recently observed something strange: After doubling the number of
> smtp processes in master.cf and restarting, the size of the active
> queue started fluctuating over time in almost exact inverse of the
> incoming queue.  I'm using Ganglia to track the sizes of the queues on
> a graph, and the queue graph showed active and incoming as almost
> exact mirror images of each other: incoming would drain into active
> and then fairly quickly a lot of active would move to incoming and the
> cycle would repeat.

Your queue manager is crashing.

> We discovered that we were using too much memory and the servers were
> swapping, so reduced the number of smtpd processes, and this behavior
> stopped.
> It's not a problem, exactly, but a curiosity: What mechanism would
> cause postfix to move messages back and forth between incoming and
> active in a situation where memory is scarce?

Queue manager re-starts.


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