Robert Lopez wrote:
Thank you Aaron.
My supervisor asked me to find a configuration change to postfix. He
wants to avoid adding any new agents/programs. It seems the person I
replaced had some bad times when trying to add other programs to the
mail gateway functionality.
Postfix does have rate limiting built in, but it's a rather
blunt tool, specifically intended to keep your server from
melting when a runaway client tries to make thousands of
connections. When the limit is exceeded, mail will be
temp-failed, not rejected. Please see:
The anvil settings are not intended to enforce user quotas or
traffic shaping.
Delegating access decisions to an add-on program such as
policyd gives you much, much greater flexibility, but does add
a level of complexity.
Just because the last guy screwed up is not a good reason to
ignore solutions tailor-made for your stated problem.
Noel Jones