On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 09:09:56PM -0700, David Koski wrote:

> Our CommuniGate server batches mail going out to Yahoo and at times 
> accumulates enough to exceed the limit of 5 messages per SMTP connection that 
> Yahoo has and the connection is dropped.  I would like to now if relaying 
> through Postfix can resolve this problem.

You can disable connection caching, globally or for specific sites. Or you
can let the connection be dropped and make a new one. Nothing wrong with
a dropped connection from time to time... Postfix will try the next MX
host. Postfix does not have a numerical connection re-use limit. Rather,
the limit is a time-limit, because this exhibits (much) better behaviour
when delivering to a mixture of fast and slow servers.


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