> > Instead of using (regexp) to grab the nexthop from the recipient
> > localpart or domain part, specify the string explicitly.
> >
> > /......(regexp)....../  ......$1......
> >
> > /......whatever....../  ......whatever......
> >
> > Repeat this for each such domain.

David DeFranco:
> Thanks for the answers.
> This is an internal mail server for system generated mail, and I'm
> re-writing the address before determining the transport so there's sanity
> checking already in place.  I would never consider this kind of setup on a
> user/internet relay server.  Heck, I wouldn't consider this solution in the
> first place, but it's legacy ( currently on sendmailx ) and I have to make
> it work.  I wanted to avoid using an explicit map file because it could be
> complex and has to be updated manually.
> Is there another way to programmatically determine the next-hop?

How many entries would a map have, and why would the map have to

Is the problem that recipients have their real domain name
embedded in the address local-part? If that is the case
there may be better solutions than using a transport map.

I am trying to look for alternatives to your preferred solution,
and that requires that I know more about the problem.


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