>KAV versions I've seen are not fully transparent proxies, they respond
>with banner 220 and EHLO 250 before making a downstream connection. The
>connection to the downstream server may happen as late as "." (after
>the content is scanned).  It is certainly important to make sure that
>the configured concurrency into the filter is not too high and that
>the downstream re-injection port concurrency is at least that high.

The downstream re-injection port concurrency is a bit higher than the
concurrency into the filter.

Below is the chain a message follows : 

smtpd (port 25, 100) -> spawn/kas-pipe (port 9026, 50) ->
spawn/smtpscanner (port 10025, 60) -> spawn (port 9025, 70).

spawn/kas-pipe (port 9026, 50) : to antispam
spawn/smtpscanner (port 10025, 60) : to antivirus
spawn (port 9025, 70) : back to postfix

[EMAIL PROTECTED] marco]# telnet 9026
Connected to mx.dts.mg (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 kas30pipe.dts.mg ESMTP Service ready -> I get this message

[EMAIL PROTECTED] marco]# telnet 9025
Connected to mx.dts.mg (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mx.dts.mg ESMTP Postfix (DATA TELECOM SERVICE) -> I get this message

[EMAIL PROTECTED] marco]# telnet 10025
Connected to mx.dts.mg (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mx.dts.mg ESMTP Kaspersky Lab. -> It takes forever to get this one ...

So I guess my problem is with the antivirus...

>The OP should measure process concurrency, CPU utilization, disk
>utilization, ... Possibly tcpdump the Postfix -> KAV and
>KAV->postfix traffic and look for delays.

However I have no issue with CPU,Ram utilisation and Disk IO Wait.

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