On Freitag, 26. September 2008 mouss wrote:
> > Dear list, this message was generated by the receiver postfix
> > (2.2.1), where the sender postfix was 2.3.2 from openSUSE 10.2. The
> > receiver's disk was temporarily full, which it announced correctly,
> > but the sender ignored it and continued to try to send. Is this
> > normal behaviour or did I configure something wrong? I thought it
> > should stop to try after the 452 message.
> pipelining in action. the order of commands and responses as you see
> them on the console is not the same as what you would have seen on
> the ether.

Thanks mouss, I should have thought about that, but didn't as there's no 
evidence it has been used. But shouldn't, in case pipelining was used, 
postfix NOT log the fact that the sender ignored it's first response? 
It's clear on pipelining that the sender cannot react on the error code, 
so why create a warning mail to postmaster in the case of pipelining? It 
would be better to ignore it silently. Or is this configurable? I mean, 
just to not log ignored errors in case of pipelining.

mfg zmi
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