> I have implemented a custom whitelist/blacklist with a milter.  This
> milter has been working smoothly for a nearly 2 years now on multiple
> machines
>  But now On 1 machine even if the load is very low and there is ample
> free memory once the number of smtpd processes reaches 300 ( I have set
> limit to 650 ) some milter processes start timing out. Some smtp
> connections only are affected most still go thru 

All Postfix SMTP servers connect to the same milter process. This
means that the milter can see hundreds of concurrent connections
from Postfix at the same time.

Apparently, some milters stop working properly under conditions of
high concurrency.  Perhaps you can configure the milter to reserve
space for more.


> I restart and then everything works fine again for some time
> How can I debug this ? 
> Thanks
> Ram

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