> Hello all.
> I have got a situation where a user is autenticated against SASL to
> let him send mails.
> Now we want that this user is able to send only mails to our domain
> and don't let him to send an email to a diferent doamin than ours.
> is it posible ?

Yes, deactivate SASL. SASL is only needed for relaying (to other

Ralf Hildebrandt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung       Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
http://www.arschkrebs.de                              I'm looking for a job
The best answer when anybody asks you if you're any good with
explosives is to hold up two open hands and simply say "Ten". 

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