Cc: Ian Masters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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----- Original Message ----=0A> From: Ian Masters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>=0A> To:=
 > Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 5:14:36 AM=0A> Subject: Non-deliverable=
 mail=0A> =0A> Hello,=0A> =0A> I've set up a local mail server with Postfix=
 2.3.3 and Dovecot 1.0.7 on=0A> CentOS 5.2.=0A> =0A> This is the first time=
 I've used Postfix.=0A> =0A> I can send and receive local mail which, for t=
he moment, is fine.=0A> =0A> When I tried to send a mail to an external mai=
l address, the delivery=0A> failed, but I did not get a mail from the serve=
r notifying me of that.=0A> =0A> Using "mailq" I can see that the mail is l=
anguishing there:=0A> =0A> (connect to[209.=
85.163.27]: Connection=0A> timed out)=0A> =0A> I'd like to know why I didn'=
t get notified.=0A> =0A> According to
=0A> "The=A0 Postfix=A0 bounce(8)=A0 server=A0 produces=A0 delivery status=
=0A> =A0 =A0 =A0 notification=A0 (DSN)=A0 messages=A0 for=A0 undeliverable=
=A0 mail,=0A> =A0 =A0 =A0 delayed=A0 mail, successful delivery or address v=
erification=0A> =A0 =A0 =A0 requests.=0A> =0A> =A0 =A0 =A0 By default, thes=
e notifications are generated from=A0 built-=0A> =A0 =A0 =A0 in=A0 template=
s with message headers and message text."=0A> =0A> I'm presuming that means=
 that, without adding anything to=0A> /etc/postfix/, that I should b=
e getting some kind of notification=0A> about the mail problem from Postfix=
.=0A> =0A> Have I misunderstood this?=0A> =0A> If notifications are sent by=
 default, I need to discover why I didn't=0A> get one.=0A> =0A> Any help wo=
uld be much appreciated.=0A> =0A> I'd like to know within about 5 or 10 min=
utes if there is a problem with=0A> a mail I've sent.=0A> =0A> Thanks=0A> =
=0A> Ian Masters=0A=0AYou need to post the output of 'postconf -n' along wi=
th any pertinent lo entries.=0A

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