> Hello,
> For the policy delegation protocol described in [1] I need some clarification:
> 1. Is reverse_client_name always present as an attribute?
> 3. Is client_name always present as an attribute?

The protocol has evolved over time.  Whether or not a specific
attribute will be present depends on the Postfix version.
The client_name attribute exists in all Postfix versions, while
the reverse_client_name attribute was added only recently.

> 2. If so, is it equal to either REVERSE_DNS_LOOKUP(client_address) or
> (case exactly) "unknown" (as suggested by the default_rbl_reply
> section in [2])?
> 4. If so, is it (case exactly) equal to either reverse_client_name (in
> the case that DNS_LOOKUP(reverse_client_name) matches client_address)
> or "unknown" (as suggested by the default_rbl_reply section in [2])?

It is either "unknown" or the result from the getnameinfo() system
library function. Postfix has no control over where getnameinfo()
gets the information from. That is controlled with /etc/nsswitch.conf,
/etc/host.conf, or in equivalent files.


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