Hi there Im having sort of a problem down here , i use php and foreach cycle
to send mail with postfix , i tweaked the php scripts to get some output
with sendmail program but if i understood weell by the time i get response
fom sendmail (one sendmail execution by foreach iteration ) , in verbose
mode -vv i can only record queue_id but By grepping the logs queue_id that i
can relate to the foreach iteration etc etc , returns few info regarding the
aummount os logs generated per mail , i know that postfix uses various
programs to handle all the process but how to realate this log line is form
this mail the next line too isnt there a unique identifier per mail as i
would grep by some sort of code a see the logs respecting to that particular
sendmail execution , i know also ... This isnt so linear as mails could stay
in queu and when i go consulting the logs all info would not be avaible ,
but in case of email succed 14 lines of logs per mail are generated but how
to relate them how to relate an id by the time of  calling sendmail  and
having it when grepping log to indivdualize status per mail , i googled
everything and mos log parsers only get the general scnerio of statistical
etc etc havnt found one that says i tried to send this mail with sendmail
command and this mail genereated this specific log lines in na automated way
for convenience im using php script to cycle bd stuff etc etc  , php -- >
calling sendmail ->> rsyslogd --->> mysql , by the time no relation possible
with first elemnt of chain (php) and last element of chain mysql . I would
apreciate some thoughts of this i dont know if m forgetting something i
would prefer evitate digging into postfix source code and adding this
funcionality if it can be added and i would request your help if so , sorry
my english hopping to ear form you guys soon .

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