Hello, I am a newbie for advanced Postfix configure, I use Postfix at work but the setting are given to me. I would like to add a filter but am having trouble understanding what I need to do. Postfix is a great tool and very extensive, that being said there are a lot of options/ configurations an administrator needs to understand; I am hoping the group will get me going the the right direction.
I need to write a filter for outgoing mail on a server that runs an external script the analyzes the message (body and header) and determine if: 1. the message should be sent or discarded 2. changes the content of the message when/if appropriate I have the script (Perl) already done, I am having trouble getting Postfix to run the script. I am using http://www.postfix.org/FILTER_README.html#simple_filter as a guide but am having no success. I am using postfix-2.3.3-2 on RHEL 5 server. Some guidance would be greatly appreciated. -- Jamie Bohr