On Sunday, 27 July 2008 17:29:41 +0200,
mouss wrote:

Hi mouss.

>> I am trying to configure my home Postfix so that the outgoing mail to
>> an external email from a user of my LAN are rewritten to a valid
>> account of mail, which would be to me especially useful if I would
>> want to send some type of notification to a external mail by means of
>> a bash script.

> why not make the script send the message with
>       sendmail -f $sender ...
> ?

It's a good possibility about which I had not thought. Thanks for this

>> I was trying of several ways but until the moment I did not obtain
>> that it worked to me.
>> In /etc/postfix/sender_canonical I tried with:
>> @*.myintra.net  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Having in /etc/postfix/main.cf:
>> sender_canonical_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical

> do not use sender_canonical_maps. use canonical_maps instead (rewrite
> should be "symmetrical").

Mmmm... and, in case of using this table, how it would be the writing in
the inverse sense considering that of a side we are using generic
domains directions?

> But in your case, you probably want smtp_generic_maps.

>> What syntax would have to use?

> you need to learn regexp. @* means one or more '@'. and '.' means any
> character.
> to rewrite any [EMAIL PROTECTED] (shell style expression), use
> /@.*\.myintra\.net$/          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> you should also read
>       http://www.postfix.org/SOHO_README.html

Great! It works! But in the Postfix logs I don't see that sender is
rewritten; the outgoing mail has the user in the local domain. But even
so the relay server take it like a valid user. How it makes the

Thanks for your reply.

Daniel Bareiro - GNU/Linux registered user #188.598
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