On 14/03/2024 22:20, Moin Rahman wrote:

On Mar 14, 2024, at 10:08 PM, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:

On 14/03/2024 20:59, Moin Rahman wrote:
On Mar 14, 2024, at 8:57 PM, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:
On 14/03/2024 20:35, Moin Rahman wrote:
On Mar 14, 2024, at 7:55 PM, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:

Is there a way to see the order of the executed steps by "make"?

tl;dr: I know "make" will run many targets like fetch, checksum, extract, patch... but I 
would like to see some verbose info about these steps, mainly what is the order of the steps when I 
run "make".
I tried to create some patch to one the port and it seems like "shebangfix" is run before 
"patch" but I don't know how to see what is true order of the targets.

❯ rg --no-filename '^_USES_patch' Mk | sort
_USES_patch+= 190:pathfix
_USES_patch+= 200:dos2unix
_USES_patch+= 210:fix-shebang
_USES_patch+= 290:gnome-pre-patch
_USES_patch+= 600:charsetfix-post-patch
_USES_patch+= 650:post-patch-erlang
_USES_patch= 701:cabal-post-patch

Good to know this grep! Thanks.
But where is the step using patches from port's "files" directory?

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
rg do-patch Mk

Is this the right order and is this a complete list of targets?
It seems to me that some things are in the wrong order.

# grep -h -rE '[0-9]{3}:' /usr/ports/Mk/ | sed -E 
's/.*=[[:space:]]//;s/^[[:space:]]+//;s/ ([0-9]{3}:)/\n\1/g;s/ \\$//' | grep -E 
'^[0-9]{3}:' | sort
940:add-plist-post ${POST_PLIST:C/^/990:/}

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

You are looking at it on a wrong perspective I think.
The numbers matter only within a single target.

So if you consider my earlier examples you will see that we have 701 in patch 

Bu definitely patch target takes place lot earlier in the targets then the 
others in this list.

I am still trying to have a complete picture of how all the steps are executed.
Is it really not possible to show it by some flag to "make"?

If I need to see the order of rc script execution, I can run:

 # rcorder /etc/rc.d/* /usr/local/etc/rc.d/*

If I need to see what is done inside of starting one specific rc script, I can run:

 # sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache24 start

But I still cannot find a way to see the order of steps to build a package (beside reading of all files in Mk which I do not understand much)

When I get these info, how can I know if fix-shebang is executed before or after the do-patch?

# grep -rh '^_USES_patch' Mk | sort
_USES_patch+=   190:pathfix
_USES_patch+=   200:dos2unix
_USES_patch+=   210:fix-shebang
_USES_patch+=   290:gnome-pre-patch
_USES_patch+=   600:charsetfix-post-patch
_USES_patch+=   650:post-patch-erlang
_USES_patch=    701:cabal-post-patch

# grep -r :do-patch Mk/
Mk/bsd.port.mk:      300:pre-patch 450:pre-patch-script 500:do-patch \

It would be really helpful to see what and when is executed on specific port when I run the "make" command.

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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