Hello. Various answers have already been given, however, here is a command that can produce interesting values on this.
make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg -V _TARGETS_STAGES make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg -V _SANITY_SEQ -V _PKG_SEQ -V _FETCH_SEQ -V _EXTRACT_SEQ -V OMITTED_HEREAFTER:P The -d option of make also displays some rather interesting things. make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg -n -d g1 In addition, variables such as _USES_target can be used to add interesting behavior. For example, in the patch phase, rewriting by replace_cmd may be performed in addition to normal patching. It makes make makepatch not smart to use. It can be stopped by defining the following targets. ...I think I wrote that somewhere before :) _USES_patch+= 501:stop-patch stop-patch: .NOTMAIN .PHONY false I just don't know if it helps :) Regards.