Hi, On 2024/03/06 16:15, Hiroo Ono wrote:
> At first glance, talloc may be the cause, but now samba419 has talloc > privately > and avoids conflicting with devel/talloc. > So, what makes aerc conflict with samba419, and is there any way to easily > find > the cause? Or should I check all the plist to find the file that conflicts? The cause may be... net/samba419/pkg-plist: .. %%SAMBA4_BUNDLED_TALLOC%%%%PYTHON3%%%%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/talloc%%PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX%%.so .. devel/talloc/pkg-plist: .. %%PYTHON%%%%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/talloc%%PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX%%.so .. Cheers, -- Yasuhito FUTATSUKI <futat...@bsdclub.org>