
Trying to install mail/aerc, pkg says it conflicts with net/samba419.

Installed packages to be REMOVED:                                              
        samba419: 4.19.5_1                                                     
New packages to be INSTALLED:                                                  
        aerc: 0.16.0_2 [oikumene]                                              
        dante: 1.4.3 [oikumene]                                                
        gmime30: 3.2.7_1 [oikumene]                                            
        miniupnpc: 2.2.6_1 [oikumene]                                          
        notmuch: 0.38.2_1 [oikumene]                                           
        sfsexp: 1.4.1 [oikumene]                                               
        talloc: 2.3.4_1 [oikumene]                                             
Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:                                          
        pkg-1.20.9_1 [oikumene] 

At first glance, talloc may be the cause, but now samba419 has talloc privately
and avoids conflicting with devel/talloc.
So, what makes aerc conflict with samba419, and is there any way to easily find
the cause? Or should I check all the plist to find the file that conflicts?
Hiroo Ono

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