On Feb 19, 2024, at 16:37, Dewayne Geraghty <dewaynegerag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems that the ports developers have a tool that they would like everyone 
> to use, while members of the wider community want choice.

I'm not a port developer but I use poudriere to build ports
(into packages that I install). I used to use portmaster
and so am (was?) familiar with that context.

> Context
> For my part I appreciated Hubbard's pkg_* tools.  Later pkg* and the ports 
> infrastructure underwent substantial change.  After a few years pkg and the 
> ports infrastructure settled down, improving the build flow.  The ports 
> infrastructure and maintainers' Makefiles enable the task of building 
> applications tremendously simple.  Though I've often cursed the constant 
> additions to the ports infrastructure (/usr/ports/Mk, Makefile syntax, pkg), 
> the improvements are accessible, understandable and substantially  
> transparent.  This is a better end-user experience.

[I had a question here. But the context was better
handled in later material below.]

> Poudriere adds another layer to the pkg -> ports infrastructure -> Makefile 
> flow.  Which is ok, but the changes are often opaque and near impossible for 
> end-users to change.

It probably should be separate from this topic, but I'd interested
to understand some example types of changes folks make for which
poudriere prevents the changes from working but for which portmaster
use or make use allows the change to work.

I have seen reports about ports that are broken when not built in
poudriere's simpler builder context. I've not seen much about
ports that fail to build only under poudriere but that
systematically work via the likes of portmaster. Are any port
changes being rejected because they fail to work in poudriere?
(I've not noticed any examples.)

It would seem that only failure under poudriere leading to
rejection of desired changes to the port tree could possibly be
strongly blamed on poudriere itself.

If something works built via poudriere but not via portmaster
(or the like), there is room for more port development so that
portmaster or the like also work. But the failure when the
build is attempted via portmaster (say) is not something that
could reasonably be blamed on poudriere itself.

[There are other rejection issues going on that do not fit the
categories I've indicated, such as rejections that in part
are reported to be because poudriere builds already work.
I'm not trying to address those here --but finding folks willing
and able to develop for portmaster or the like can be a challenge
of itself when working-via-poudriere is easier to achieve.]

> portmaster shell isn't easy to navigate but it is a simple tool that fits the 
> needs of very many builders.  
> The end-user should be the topic of focus and keeping them engaged and using 
> the FreeBSD platform with 'easy to build applications' the objective which 
> leads to advocacy and growth.

I'd say that the official pre-built packages are from a focus on
end-users that are not also port developers and are not getting
help from port developers that tailor things for them (the help
leading to not using official pre-built packages). This might
or might not be the larger end-user group compared to . . .

End-users that are getting help from port developers to tailor
things for them is another group. (I'd count personal port
tailoring here as well --my category.) I can not tell how common
this is vs. use of just official build of ports into packages.
Focusing only here has its own potential problems.

> History
> As a newbie I used the packages that were available in FreeBSD 2.2.8 which 
> flourished my use of "the system".  Over time I realised that the ports 
> maintainer's option choices didn't reflect my needs.  Now I have 490 changes 
> to the ports options and modified 233 ports' Makefiles and files/.  This 
> customisation is based, in priority order: security, features, performance. 
> So for me the ports system is fantastic, without it, it would be impossible 
> to maintain the 2400+ ports that I use on our servers. 

I have changes to port options, have modified port Makefiles,
and have extra/modified patches in files/ --but on a smaller
scale. I've yet to have poudriere use interfere with any such
changes that I've made. I use (for an example amd64 context):

# poudriere ports -l
default   null   2021-04-18 09:05:47 /usr/ports

that has my modified ports tree. I also use my own
builds/installs of the world(s) used for the jails:

# poudriere jail -l
main-amd64        15.0-CURRENT amd64 null   2021-09-09 07:43:44 
main-amd64-bulk_a 15.0-CURRENT amd64 null   2021-12-04 22:55:22 

(My world builds are also somewhat tailored, as are my kernels.
"bulk_a" stands for "bulk alternate", which on rare occasions
is used for "bulk -a" as part of some sort of test in/of my

> An expectation that only packages should be used by our wider community is a 
> false assumption for anything other than novice personal use. 

Did you mean "official prebuilt packages" above? If not, how
does involvement of pkg for non-official build of packages
become a problem?

Also: portmaster builds packages (-g), makes backup packages
of installed ports (-b and by default for deletion), and more.
This again suggests that the "only packages should be used"
reference might somehow be an incomplete context identification?

> Changing the ports infrastructure so that a build requires poudriere is wrong 
> and as we're seeing divisive.

As far as I know, anything made to work with portmaster or the
likes also works with poudriere and the infrastructure has no
enforcement of poudriere-required anywhere. (There can be other
forms of such.) It can be more work to have portmaster like
builds/installs work in the full variety of live contexts. But
when it does, poudriere should just-work for building/installing
as well.

Other forms of blocking things that would work for both portmaster
(say) and poudriere is not what I'm trying to deal with here:
just infrastructure issues.

(But: I've no clue if subpackages might be introducing
infrastructure ties I'm unaware of.)

> The PR's are also a cause for hesitancy (see ref below) 
> Regards, Dewayne
> Ref: 
> 1. 
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&list_id=672566&query_format=advanced&short_desc=ports-mgmt%2Fpoudriere&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&list_id=672566&query_format=advanced&short_desc=ports-mgmt%2Fpkg&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com

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