On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 11:26 AM Felix Palmen <fe...@palmen-it.de> wrote:

> * Gleb Popov <arr...@freebsd.org> [20211101 23:18]:
> > I wrote an utility called Panopticum [1] that uses Poudriere to build a
> > given port with every possible OPTIONS setting, generate a packing list
> > after each build and then combine multiple plists into a single one with
> > necessary OPTIONS_SUB prepended.
> Thanks a lot, I'll definitely give this a try when I touch a port with
> several options next time. I've been looking for something like this,
> actually just to have complete 'poudriere testport' coverage for all
> options – didn't even think about the possibility to use it for
> pkg-plist generation, but that's a nice idea!
> I assume it will already sort out "impossible" combinations of options?

Yep, it does handle GROUP_RADIO, GROUP_SINGLE and GROUP_MULTI options
correctly. GROUP_RADIO was actually the reason it took so long, because
everything-ON is an invalid combination and it was confusing plist combiner.

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