Hello pluggies!

Back with another update! :) 
I feel like I've been spamming the list at this point. :P

On Sun, 2020-08-02 at 08:53 +0530, Dhanesh Sabane wrote:
> As mentioned, we'll be meeting again today at 3PM on #pluggies IRC
> channel to finalise the meetup details. Feel free to join in on the
> conversation!

We had a really productive meeting. Around 13 people joined in on the
conversation and helped with the decisions. Here are the details:

* Date and Time: 16th August 2020, 4PM

* Main Topic: Build agents to watch websites and more!

* Video conferencing platform: https://meet.jit.si

These are just preliminary details and we'll be sharing a poster and a
formal invitation message on the mailing list as soon as we're done
designing/composing it.

Looking forward to everyone's participation!


Dhanesh B. Sabane
PGP ID: 0xB69A98C9C1642329
Fingerprint: 9655 11F2 0D18 E76A 2396 D64D B69A 98C9 C164 2329

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