Hello everyone!

On Sat, 2020-07-25 at 23:01 +0530, Dhanesh B. Sabane wrote:
> Note: We'd like to keep voting for topics and platforms open till
> Saturday, 1st August 2020. We'll reconvene on Sunday, 2nd August 2020
> to finalise the topics as per the votes and decide on the date based
> on
> the management efforts.

Just a gentle reminder that today is the last day of voting.

You'll find all the details in my below quoted email.

> Following are the details:
> ### Time:
> 1hr - 1hr 15 mins
> We decided to keep this short as it is probably the first time in
> history PLUG will be meeting virtually. We didn't want to go
> overboard
> with a packed schedule.
> ### Format:
> * Introductions - 15 mins
> * Main topic - 30 - 45 mins
> * Q&A, Discussions, Show and Tell - 15 mins
> ### Topics [NEED VOTES]:
> We have a list of topics that we thought are simple enough and can
> fit
> within the 30-45 min time slot.
> 1. Filesystem and storage
> 2. Raspberry pi and linux
> 3. IP tables
> 4. Containers and stuff [CGroups and Namespaces]
> 5. Building your own PC
> 6. SCP and rsync
> 7. Setup your own bots watch websites
> I'd like to ask all the pluggies to please vote on the topics that
> you'd be interested in by replying to this email thread.
> ### Platforms [NEED VOTES]:
> We have three options here:
> 1. Use the main Jitsi VC platform - https://meet.jit.si
> 2. Use a self-hosted Jitsi - Something like https://meet.fsci.in
> which
> is hosted by Free Software Community of India
> 3. IRC
> Please reply with your choice.
> We aren't aware of any other non-proprietary platform which will help
> us arrange this meetup. If any of the members know any other options,
> please do let us know.
> As mentioned above, voting lines are open till Saturday, 01st August
> 2020. :P
> Do let us know if you have any suggestions or queries.

Looking forward to more votes!


Dhanesh B. Sabane
PGP ID: 0xB69A98C9C1642329
Fingerprint: 9655 11F2 0D18 E76A 2396 D64D B69A 98C9 C164 2329

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