Hello All,

The goal: Join #Pluggies channel at IRC from Android/iOS phones using
Riot app for easy to communicate with fellow #Pluggies

Here are the steps =

1) Register nick at IRC = https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration
2) From any web browser go to  https://webchat.freenode.net/ and login
using your registered IRC nick
3) Download & Start Riot app in your Android phone
4) Now from web browser [suggested method] go to
https://riot.im/app/#/welcome and register [Yes more registrations]
5) Now using new matrix ID, login to riot app
6) At bottom of Riot app click on '#' sign at top and type freenode
7) Select 'Freenode IRC Bridge status'
8) Now click on human face icon next to '#' to left side not the 1 on
right hand side.
9) Search for NickServ
10) Now open NickServ's chat window and type following command =
IDENTIFY <irc_nick> <password>  & hit enter key [Without the <> tags
and hit SPACE between user name & password]
11) Now join Pluggies channel from Riot app & notice the Pluggies
channel you joined from web-browserpluggies


FYI: There might be some simplified process/way. I don't no. I used
above steps. Above steps are given in very detailed for everybody's
understanding. Specially those who don't no anything about IRC &

I worked with Tejas to fix the 'err_reggnick required' thing.
Thanks Tejas for the help.

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