
On Sun, 7 Jul 2019 at 12:32, Dhanesh B. Sabane <dhanes...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Aloha folks!
> A couple of weeks ago, we met Tejas (whereistejas on the interwebz) and
> started talking about PLUG. The discussion naturally turned towards PLUG
> meetups and as it has been a long time since the last PLUG meet,


> decided to take the initiative and plan the next big PLUG meetup. We
> started an Etherpad [1] to jot down some ideas and decided to go with
> some basic stuff to get the ball rolling. That was the inception of -
> "Mastering your terminal". Tejas and Gaurav took on the tasks of
> building the content, Purnesh (in CC) agreed to design some posters and
> I'm helping out with finding a location and other logistics.
> Debian Buster was release yesterday and the Debian Pune group was also
> planning to arrange a release party. We thought why not combine these
> two events together and try to have a bigger impact.
> As a result, on 21st July 2019, we are now planning for a PLUG event in
> association with Debian Pune -


> "Mastering your terminal and Debian Buster release party"

Will be great to learn difference in 'vi' since Debian 9.
For example, copy-paste thing which was seamless with mouse clicks in Debian 8.

> Obviously the topic isn't as catchy as we'd like it to be but I think it
> works for now. Maybe someone here can help out with that? :P

I am still on Debian 8 for all environments with = Apache 2.4 + php
5.6.x + postgres + docker ce + openJDK 1.8.x + certbot etc ;-)

I have good experience of Debian OS upgrade without disturbing
development environment.
& can give FREE tips to those planning to do upgrade in development or
production environments. [The ground work]

> Along with a catchy title, we also have a bunch of other tasks that we'd
> like some help with. So if you'd like to help out, please jump in and
> give us a shout. All the planning is happening over the #pluggies
> channel on Freenode and the Etherpad page serves as a tracker for the
> overall progress.
> Also, if you have any questions or would like to provide some valuable
> advice,
>please feel free to reply to this thread or let us know on the
> channel.

I tried to join #pluggies via Riot app.
But got kicked out from channel with error = err_needreggednick
That means I need 1 more set of credentials :-/


> Looking forward to an amazing event!
> Cheers!
> [1] https://pad.disroot.org/p/PLUG_Meetup_Ideas
> --
> Dhanesh B. Sabane
> https://dhanesh95.gitlab.io
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