kindly provide complete address for amanora chambers please....



On 09-Nov-2017 9:43 pm, "Gaurav Sitlani" <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> This is to inform that a bunch of us have organized a meeting on 12th
> November, this Sunday during which our basic Agenda will be "A
> re-introduction to The Debian Project" and we will be discussing about many
> things like packaging,linux kernel and some cool projects.
> The meeting is scheduled at 3:00 p.m. at Reserved-bit hackerspace ,
> Amanora Chambers and our guest for the evening would be Pirate Praveen and
> Raju will also join us.
> I would like to request everyone to join us and would like to thank
> Siddhesh Poyarekar for hosting us.
> Organizers:
> Dhanesh Sabane
> Gaurav Sitlani
> Regards,
> Gaurav
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