---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pradeepto Bhattacharya <pradeep...@gmail.com>
Date: 2014/1/2
Subject: [KDE-India] conf.kde.in 2014 details
To: KDE-India List <kde-in...@kde.org>


Happy new year to you all. Please forward this email to various
Linux/FOSS user groups in your city, college any where you think it
should reach. Thank you in advance.

We are very excited to announce the second edition of conf.kde.in, the
biggest KDE conference in India. This three day conference scheduled
in February will bring together Qt developers, KDE contributors, open
source enthusiasts and users from all across the nation. The event
will give you the opportunity to learn, share, contribute, innovate
and create while providing you endless possibilities with Qt/KDE

conf.kde.in is an excellent platform for you to learn about FOSS and
start contributing to it. The participants will be introduced to the
KDE community, and shall also be given an overview of the latest
developments in it. The talks, interactive sessions shall help
strengthen your basis and shall familiarize you with what it’s like to
be a part of the KDE community and help you to contribute to KDE SC
and maybe for future participation in programs like Google Summer of
Code and Season of KDE. Last year, KDE was the largest participating
organizing in GSoC with a selection of 60 students.The sessions will
range from the beginner to the advanced level, to facilitate all kinds
of participants.


There shall be a vibrant gamut of talks at the event; ranging over a
variety of technical as well as non technical talks covered by members
of the KDE community from the extremes of India as well as the world.
Be a witness to this cultural as well as intellectual infusion of
ideas and experiences, of knowledge and guidance; by people from
different walks of life, all with a common passion - open source, KDE;
ready to ignite the same passion in you through their words and their

1. How I got involved in KDE and How to attack a problem - Sujith H

2. Hacking on KStars: Progress and challenges - Rishab Arora

3. One app to rule all your media - Sinny Kumari

4. KDE unlike a coconut - Smit Shah

5. Plasma Workspace 2: Little introduction - Bhushan Shah

6. Baloo - Metadata and Search - Vishesh Handa

7. Cute (Qt) C++ idioms - Nikhil Marathe

8. Qt Project - Frederik Gladhorn

9. Language learning with KDE - Samikshan Bairagya

10.Effective Open-Source Speech Recognition in Your Application - Peter Grasch

11.Where KDE is and where it is going - Jos Poortvliet

12. C++11: A Language Renaissance - Kévin Ottens

The above is the incomplete list of talks, we are adding more talks as
we get confirmation from the speakers. The updated list of talks can
be found at http://kde.in/conf/accepted-talks.

Every speaker at conf.kde.in is a bonafide contributor to KDE, some of
them contributing over a decade. Attending the conference will give
you the opportunity to meet seasoned open source contributors, discuss
with them, exchange ideas with them, learn from them and also teach
them something new.

Many of these contributors work for great companies (which themselves
are involved in various open source projects) like Mozilla, openSUSE,
Red Hat, Blue Systems, ThoughtWorks, KDAB, Digia etc. Also you will
find that many of these contributors were students until recently.

*Wondering what KDE/Qt is?*

KDE is one of the largest international free software community. It
has an integrated set of cross-platform applications designed to run
on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Microsoft Windows, and OS X systems.
KDE is known for its Plasma Workspace, an environment provided as the
default working environment on many Linux distributions, such as
Kubuntu, Pardus, and openSUSE.

To find more information about KDE, please visit  http://www.kde.org/

Qt is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for
developing application software with a graphical user interface (GUI)
and also used for developing non-GUI programs  such as command- line
tools and consoles for servers. Qt is most notably used in Adobe
Photoshop Elements, Skype, VLC media player, VirtualBox, Dassault
DraftSight and Mathematica, and by the European Space Agency,
DreamWorks, Google, HP, KDE, Lucasfilm, Autodesk Maya, The Foundry's
Nuke, Panasonic, Philips, Blackberry applications, Samsung, Siemens,
Volvo, Walt Disney, Animation Studios and Research In Motion. Qt runs
on multiple platforms which include Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, Embedded
Linux, Blackberry 10, Android, Sailfish and Ubuntu Phone OS.

To find more information about Qt, please visit  http://qt-project.org/

*Details about conf.kde.in*:

Venue:   Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication
Technology, Gandhinagar

Date:      21st - 23rd Feb, 2014

Time:     9 AM - 6:30 PM

The registrations for the conference are now open. Please register
yourself here (http://cki2014.doattend.com/) and avail the “Early
Bird” discount till 15th Jan. There are limited seats so hurry up! You
will find accommodation options at http://conf.kde.in/accommodation.

We are working very hard to make conf.kde.in 2014 a huge success. And
it will happen with the help of your participation. Looking forward to
meet you all. Stay tuned for regular updates about this event on our
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/kdeindia) / Twitter
(https://twitter.com/kdeindia) page.

For any queries, feel free to reach us at c...@kde.in


Pradeepto Kumar Bhattacharya
KDE e.V. Board of Director | Proud KDE Contributor
The KDE Project : http://www.kde.org

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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