It's lengthy, you'll have to flip through pages to see all categories. (Usual disclaimers of a survey apply, though it's not bad to have a look at them.) If you are a long term follower of such surveys, some results might surprise you. Ubuntu tops in most of the mass categories while Debian tops in some of the niche categories. Ubuntu laptop maker System76 tops the laptop makers' category, while Dell tops the desktop category very closely followed by System76. Gnome has gone down to 5th position KDE tops, though the desktop manager space is fairly evenly spread. Best Android app is Google Maps. (Well.. it sucks IMHO, but no good alternatives either.) Mozilla thunderbird @41% is way too ahead of others as email client, mutt appears a yesteryears' favorite now with mere 4.8% share. (I use mutt and feel like an endangered species... danger of being driven away to some corner of an archaeological museum, with no idea about my wrongdoing.) Libreoffice has overwhelmingly taken over other office suites with near 72% vote share, open-office reducing to just 6.7%. vlc tops best audio players list with 21.7%. I am shocked to see mplayer down at 9th position with 3.9% votes. However as media player it is at 2nd position with 13.1% and vlc at first with 60.3%. Despite Linus' well known criticism of Nvidia, Nvidia tops the best video chipset with 51.6%. CVS does not even figure in configuration management / revision control category. (I still use CVS. Endangered species again...) Both as a programming language and as a scripting language, Python tops leaving others way behind. No surprises for vi/vim topping the editors' list, though it also comes 2nd as IDE (behind Eclipse)! openjdk java leaves Oracle Java way too behind with over 65% votes. Although btrfs has acquired a good vote share and 2nd position at 13%, it is still way too behind big brother ext4 which tops with massive 72.5%. Mayuresh _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List