Now trying with a top post to see if it gets through. ;-)

Yes changes are in place, but it does not hurt to publicly announce them. :-)


pl. excuse brevity and possible typos, sent from a tiny device.

On Jan 4, 2013, at 10:12 PM, Arun Khan <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 7:02 AM,  wrote:
>> There are only two outcomes:
>> 1. Change, so that mails can quickly get in and out
>> 2. Do not change, status quo.
> I have already noticed changes in the filter policy; the last 2-3 day,
> my posts are now getting through without the specter of the
> "Suspicious Header"
> The "PLUG mailing list issues" is on the agenda for today's PLUG
> meeting along with GNUnify 2013.   I am not sure whether the quorum
> will reach this item given GNUnify being first on the list.
>> It's as simple as that. But I am yet to hear from the owners about the 
>> option they select. Or are they still waiting for a vote and a >majority and 
>> the probably overrule because they are "head of family"?
> I humbly suggest to the chairperson to bring this topic on top.  Much
> of the pros/cons have already been discussed here.   Thus the
> discussion should not take more than 15-20 mins. summarizing the
> changes in the mailing list policies and make it public with a post to
> this mailing list.
> Thanks,
> -- Arun Khan
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