On Monday 15 October 2012 09:30 AM, Shyamgopal Kundapurkar wrote:
My usage pattern is, if laptop is on, I'll prefer to do any work on the
mobile (administration, copying files to/from the device, playing
multimedia contents etc.) by sshing to it from laptop, for which I need
Linux-like environment on the phone.
Mayuresh, __NO__ *popular* company *currently* makes mobile phones for that
kind of use-case
There ^^, fixed it for you. If you've seen/used the Nokia N900 you'd know that
whatever Mayuresh asked for is already available on that phone. There used to be
a whole bunch of promising projects (besides maemo/meego) that were built around
that usage pattern[1] but were way ahead of their time and since phones at time
were not as powerful as they are now, those were centred around PDAs and
handhelds which got replaced by either phones or netbooks.
It is quite sad actually.
If you want to use a phone that way, you should work for a mobile
phone company. But if you ask me, you would be better off programming in
some functional language rather than working with a mobile company. What
say Darth and Beta ? :P
Anyways, I am excited at the /possibility/ of Jolla[2] and firefox OS[3]
bringing back the market of hackable handhelds ...which can also make calls.
- steve
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolla
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_OS
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