On 04/29/11 08:07, Ameet Gholap wrote:
Hi All,
10.10 to 11.04 upgrade messed up my system. X doesnt start.
Only the net connection works. I have found a workaround!
Provide default key-ring during starting. GUI not seen. Only mouse
pointer and blank screen.
Now press power. Ubuntu asks for shutdown, restart etc Help and Cancel
buttons available.
Click Help to launch help and cancel to abort shutdown.
Now from that help window, use menus to ask for "Online Help".
FF launches.
Using that firefox, I am now mailing asking for help.
How can I repair my system?
( X )
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Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
I'm assuming that you upgraded your system from the package manager with
dist-upgrade. Well the best way to test whether your graphics card will
work with 11.04 would be to have a live cd/dvd and run it. if it runs
well, then you'll know for sure, that 11.04 should run on your system
without any problem.
now, if your X is giving you errors, first thing is to check the logs.
you can goto terminal press "CTRL+ALT+F1" or F2 - F6 to goto any of the
tty's. login and then check the log files for X, /var/log/X.log. It'll
surely give you the cause of the problem. paste the entire X.log file to
some pastebin and put the link here to us to review it. you can install
pastebinit or wgetpastebin. by these utils, you can paste the entire
file to pastebin via command line. One you get the cause or exact error,
then we could suggest further solution.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List