Did this get resolved eventually. I don't think the ISP L1 support
helps very much in this case.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:
> I find this strange. Can someone help?
> I use Tata Indicom connection. The internet appears generally accessible
> but for a certain ip address :
> I tried ping, which just hangs.
> Traceroute shows 4 steps and then just stars.
> I tried connection of another ISP and online ping tools: With these the
> server appears up and accessible fine.
> Could the problem be with my machine's setup ? I think not. Could it be
> with routing info with some switch on the path? Anything else?
> Technical description ends.
> ===
> Now some story about the problem that does not matter from technical
> perspective:
> This IP address is that of ISP's own server which participates in renewal
> process. This strange accessibility problem results in renewal payment
> being charged though not reflecting on ISP's side.
> I followed up a lot with the ISP and finally used a backup ISP connection
> that I have to do the renewal.
> During the follow up I got these replies which all are indicative of them
> not getting the problem at all - which is very common with this ISP.
> Me : "A certain web server <ip addr> is not accessible from my connection,
> because of which I am unable to renew online. Also I can access the same
> server over other ISP connection. Traceroute tool's output when accessing
> on your and other ISP's connection is attached to help your technical team
> to resolve this."
> Reply1 : "Inform the customer that amount will be debited in 6 working
> days".
> Me: <Blast>
> R2: "We have noted your complaint. This is the complaint no."
> ...
> R3: "Your renewal pack is in anticipatory queue ..."
> ...
> R4: "We have checked our records and your issue has been resolved"
> Me: "Can you tell which "records" with you indicate to you that I can ping
> your server?"
> A call comes. I complain about nobody even reading the issue. They assure
> to look into. Then I receive the following mail:
> R5: "As per your telephonic conversation ... your issue is resolved"
> ...
> R6: "Since you have not opted for static ip, you won't be able to ping"
> ...
> R7: "As per our telephonic conversation ... resolved"
> ...
> R8: "We have noted your complaint. The complaint no is ..."
> I have decided to not give up and continue to follow up.
> (Mods: Sorry about the length of the mail.)
> Mayuresh.
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