On 11/20/2010 05:17 PM, Ghodechhap wrote: Well, Btrfs doesn't even have a fsck yet that can repair damage and until then recommending Btrfs is just not right. If you want something that is mature and stable, use Ext4 or XFS. Btrfs will take atleast six months to an year to be ready for wide use.
fedora provides btrfs option in installer. Probably they are doing it wrong. Not the case. Fedora Live images only support Ext4. If you use the alternative DVD image, you got to provide a special option "btrfs" to the Fedora installer to use the Btrfs feature precisely because it is a unsupported experimental filesystem only made available for testing at this point. It will become supported in Fedora 15 and Fedora will have a working fsck at that point. Rahul _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List